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        It’s here! The first complete platform for Digital Employee Experience Management. View Press Release

        Confidently measure and manage the Digital Employee Experience

        With a constant read on the pulse of digital employee experience, IT can continuously improve technology’s ability to engage, empower and delight people at work no matter where they work – any time, all the time.

        The Power of Being Proactive

        When IT is under pressure to make it all work, your next move matters. Discover all the real-time insight you need to resolve all kinds of disruptions before they happen.

        Stop guessing. Start nexthinking.

        Nexthink Experience

        The cloud-native platform for managing digital employee experience

        Nexthink Experience pinpoints issues and solutions, automates response and helps you continuously improve the employee experience.

        Real-time Analytics & Insights

        Obtain real-time, actionable insights into every employee and activity, at every moment - across devices, operating systems, and any workplace location.

        Targeted Employee Engagement

        Conduct hyper-targeted, contextual employee engagements, correlating sentiment with technical insights to reveal unreported issues and drive awareness and self-help campaigns.

        Benchmarking and Proactive Improvement

        Score and benchmark the experience of internal groups, and use prioritized recommendations to proactively improve experience across the organization.

        Automated Remediation

        Implement AI-driven, contextual recommendations based on precise findings of issues across users, devices and infrastructure to drive better employee experiences.

        Our Customers

        See How Our Customers Use Our Platform




        apetito: from reactive IT to proactive IT

        Across two years, frozen-food giant apetito transformed their IT services from being in a state of perpetual reaction, to a position where they can both anticipate and meet the needs of their end users.Here Andre Spölming (IT Lead, IT Service Desk, apetito) shares the details of this journey.

        Andre Spölming

        IT Lead, IT Service Desk, apetito

        How a major US telecom company reimagined IT

        Following his customer keynote at Experience '19 New York, Andrew Cohen - Senior Manager in Digital Workplace Services at a major US telecoms provider - explained how the Nexthink platform facilitated a more proactive approach to IT and a completely new structure for his IT team.

        Andrew Cohen

        Senior Manager in Digital Workplace Services

        Johnson & Johnson: a frictionless IT Experience

        Following customer keynote appearances at Experience ’19 London and New York, here Bhavin Shah (Application Service Desk Manager, Johnson & Johnson) explains the importance of Digital Employee Experience at one of the world’s biggest healthcare companies.

        Bhavin Shah

        Application Service Desk Manager

        More than 1,000 customers trust and love Nexthink

        Essential Insights for Digital Employee Experience

        live demo

        Check out our Weekly Live Demo of Nexthink Experience

        Register Now

        Stop guessing. Start nexthinking.

        Ready to start confidently measuring and managing the digital employee experience every moment?

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